The Skill
Learn . Implement . Achieve
The Skill
Having interacted with the end users for various businesses, facilitated and managed training for multiple domains we understand the learning and performance improvement strategies that are to be designed for your business. These interventions are based on a structured needs analysis and are in sync with your business needs and strategic goals.
Training Delivery
Online or Onsite...We all know the outcome of a well trained and knowledgeable workforce – efficient and productive. Training could be for new staff, improving performance for existing staff, educating staff about a new policy or product, it is imperative that all learning intervention efforts begin with a complete business analysis and end with an in place impact evaluation strategy or ROI. Online or On-site, knowledge, skill or attitude (KSA), our learning programs are designed keeping in mind the different adult learning modalities with the use of various delivery options and media which ensures a well trained and better equipped workforce to realize your business goals.
Performance Improvement
To stand out from the rest, we need to continuously improve our performance and sustain that improvement. Result based and systematic approach is how we go about our business. Our approach is driven by a business need, performance need and is dependent on the cause analysis. The line of demarcation is really the cause analysis as we rely on assessment and analysis and not assumptions. The word systematic approach comes into picture here - business analysis, performance gap analysis, root cause analysis followed by the right intervention selection to impact evaluation.
Instructional Design
Moving from ADDIE to SAM, we follow the latest ISD models created by the Gurus of our industry.The idea is to produce the best learning experience using the available resources.We follow the process that enables our stakeholders to provide feedback and suggest changes throughout the design and development stage rather than waiting to react on the performance of the finished product. Again, the fundamentals and our principle remain unchanged – understand the business drivers, conduct a thorough needs analysis, choose the appropriate intervention solution, implement solution and evaluate the impact.
Coaching is essential to enable our employees become better performers and for us it is about focusing on the identified goals, emphasize on action, accountability and follow up. An environment of trust, clear communication, and combination of evaluative and developmental feedback is how we go about our business.And at the end we make sure to reward achievements and celebrate success.
Knowledge Management
Knowledge management saves and disseminates intellectual capital that promotes knowledge sharing and teamwork in an organization. Collecting, storing and sharing knowledge is imperative for the success of an organization. We assist in building a Centralized knowledge database that encourages knowledge sharing and collaboration which results in an informed employee pool and increased efficiency. A knowledge culture and an environment of continuous learning is what we advocate and practice.
While planning and working on these areas our terminal objective would always be strategic and financial gains for your business by bringing about uniformity of knowledge gained by the employees, the ability to apply the knowledge gained on their jobs, better informed and equipped to perform in a live environment and by helping them understand their role in the business.